Tuesday 21 June 2011


Waaaaaa...xtahan2..pedih2..bile pam tu menahan ajela demi si anak...ms DF pn thn jela demi anak..ye, segala2nye demi anak..kdg2 sakit die mcm ms bru2 aja aiman DF dlu lak..sakit!!! rini production pn da cam terganggu sket..

Rase2nye da seminggu ade gak sakit ni..da ltk PURELAN, ltk my own milk pn suda, tp cm xde perubahan je..kat tempat cracked tu da ade garis2 merah, yerr itu DARAH..and aku harus pulihkannye sebelum ianya melarat n susu aku jadi pink lak kang cm kaler YOGURT BLISS STRAWBERRY tu..(isk, terigt air yogurt tu lak, dapnyee nyum2)

Hmmmm..so td try search CRACKED NIPPLES, jumpe la kt babycenter.com ni cakap psl ni...

What causes the condition?

The main cause of cracked or bleeding nipples is improper positioning of the baby at the breast. This also causes severe nipple pain. Correcting your nursing technique can substantially soothe or cure cracked nipples. Sometimes just the slightest correction of positioning will make a world of difference.

If your baby has thrush, you may get cracked nipples and shooting pains in the breast during or after a feeding. Thrush is a yeast infection of the mouth that results when yeast naturally present in the body grows and spreads out of control.

Your nipples could also crack or bleed because of severe dry skin, or if you have eczema. You can get an eczema-like condition on the nipples or breasts as a result of very dry air, laundry detergent residue, ointment or lotion applied to the breast, bath soap or antibacterial cleanser, powder, hair spray, deodorant, perfume, or cologne.

Using a breast pump wrong can also hurt your nipples, and make them crack or bleed. Be especially careful when you pump, as certain machines and handling your breasts too roughly can injure delicate breast tissue, breaking the capillaries. Excessive suction from a breast pump has caused hemorrhages under the skin in some women.

 So, kesimpulan yg aku buat, mungkin ianya sebab yg kedua kt atas ni..Yes, my baby might got thrush..rtu perasan cm ade putih2 kt dlm pipi die..smlm cm da pk nk g blikn ubt, tp wet xde plak..adeh, kne ckp ngn hubby ni..mama da xtahan wooo....

Ni ade sket explanation bout THRUSH...

My baby has white patches on the insides of her cheeks. What could this be?

It could be a common and harmless yeast infection known as thrush. Thrush looks like cottage cheese or milk curds on the sides, roof, and sometimes the tongue of a baby's mouth. It's most common in babies 2 months and younger, but it can appear in older babies, too.

How can I know for sure that it's thrush?

If you think your baby has thrush, look for the characteristic white patches. Then gently touch a patch with a gauze-covered finger. If it is thrush, it probably won't come off very easily, but if it does, you'll find a raw, red area underneath that may bleed.

If you notice a white coating on your baby's tongue but nowhere else, it's probably just milk residue (especially if you can wipe it off). Thrush patches can appear on your baby's tongue, but are most often found on the sides of the mouth. These spots can be painful — you may first suspect thrush if your baby starts crying when nursing or sucking on a pacifier or bottle.


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